Assessment and analysis of existing and available legal mechanisms and models of work that can be applied by national/local partners for HIV and TB sustainability efforts


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Assessment and analysis of existing and available legal mechanisms and models of work that can be applied by national/local partners for HIV and TB sustainability efforts

January 3, 2018

The report aims to analyze legal mechanisms and models of work available in Ukraine that can be used by national/local partners for the sustainability of efforts in the fight against HIV and tuberculosis, as well as for implementation of the state strategy of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "Strategy of Sustainable Response to Tuberculosis, including Chemically Resistant Tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS Epidemics till 2020".

In addition to the desk review, the study includes semi-structured interviews with a number of key stakeholders, including the representatives of NGOs that have successful experience of obtaining and using funds from the state and local budgets through different mechanisms. The report includes comments and recommendations to representatives of regional authorities and NGOs on the implementation of a social ordering, as well as recommendations to representatives of regional authorities and CSOs on the implementation of the public budget mechanism.

Document Type
Regions and Countries